Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh I'm Just Fine...

Oh I'm Just Fine
Perfectly Fine
Really I'm Fine
Just Fine

I really hate saying that over and over. Nobody wants to really know what's really going on. Except for my sisters...LOVE you guys!! Would go absolutely nuts without you.

Feel a bit guity today that I didn't go to decorate even one grave yesterday. I didn't even take orders for flowers from anyone even though I had a few ask and could have used the money. I didn't even hang up the flag, though I guess the wooden one by the door looks pretty patriotic. I was feeling ill...for no reason I can pinpoint at all. I was fine most of the morning, then sicker than sick all afternoon. Fell asleep early and my Sweet Frog stayed in his chair til 2am when he could no longer stand the infomercials that came on so late. I hate this!! Chron's Disease, Celiac, Diabetes or what ever it is that's making me feel so lousy. Then instead of being a Princess, I neglect the Frog and don't even put him to bed til the next day!

I should have at least taken the Frog to see his Dad's grave. I think he's only been there twice since the headstone was placed. Maybe we'll stop by on the way home from the clinic on Thursday. I've only managed to accomplish two things I needed to today. No energy at all.

I really need to get back in the water again. I'm sure that would help some. If nothing else I'll have a bit of Me time.......... Move over Moby this little whale is going back in the water again starting tommorrow no matter how I feel!

1 comment:

janalee said...

(((((HUGS))))) Know how you feel. So frustrating, and annoying, when you feel like you're missing out on your own life.