Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Friday, September 28, 2007

Icky Sicky Me

The title of this post pretty much says it all.
I've been ill with a cold all week and it's finall turned from the runny nose dripping like crazy to the hoarse coughing til my sides hurt. Every fall and every spring as soon as the weather changes I go thru this. It wouldn't be so terribly bad if I didn't loose my voice as well.
I sounded pretty funny this morning when my friends called but by afternoon when I wished Little Sis Happy Birthday it was starting to smooth out a bit. Patty called back once they were all over scrapping at Heartfelt where I was suppossed to be with them to wish me well.
I have such great friends. I've talked with so many of them today that when Kristen came for her boutonierre for Homecoming tommorrow night I could hardly speak. I'm really hoping to feel much better tommorrow since there is alot going on then but we'll see.
Today I got a bunch of wonderful oranges and apples. I thought perhaps a bit of fruit will help, at least it involves no cooking. I tire so very easily anymore. My tests and biopsises went rather well on Monday and the Dr said things were doing about like he had expected. I'm now off the Super Spendy drug and on one that he is giving me free samples of. All to the good.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


All day long yesterday I saw the flags and watched re-caps 6 years later of the 9/11 attacks. It's still so very sad. Oprah even had a "what happened to the children" show on yesterday. I even answered a "where were you?" question on one of my favourite internet MB. Some of my friends wrote alot about it in their blogs and included lots of photos. Maybe next year I can do that but this year it's just much too sad.

Lots has happened in the last few weeks since I posted.

I went to Washington and Idaho
I went to Idaho and saw poor H. She's being so very brave and she is so lucky she still has a foot. So many surgeries 11 and counting. Em is getting so very very big she's already starting Pre-Schoo, she and I had a whole day together we went to the dentist, shopping for Uncle Blane's BDay clothes, to a chocolate factory and got dipped caramel apples and to lunch then home for naps it was alot of fun. We even hit Wally World and got her a new puzzle and a fun game along with stuff for dinner. I must have been channeling LB because I made what he calls "good chicken" LOL
In Washington I drove about the old home tired and sad and very neglected looking. In Moses Lake I saw alot of Middle Little Brother Boo, Big Little Sis Jack before she and her Bruce went to Vegas, their girls, 5 new kitty cats, cousin TK and her new shop, all the Aunties and waaaay lots of the 'rents. I finally unpacked my suitcase and did all the laundry on Sunday and Monday so I don't keep smelling like old people and scorched fruit ( they were canning alot of peaches) Middle Little Brother and I went bought them a new stove just before I left replacing the one with only 2 burners and a tempermental oven that was 25+ years old but when I talked with mom last night they still hadn't used it because it was "too Pretty"
I had a great visit there all in all and an awful trip home with very overcast skiies and alot thunder and lightening to boot. NOT Good.