Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


All day long yesterday I saw the flags and watched re-caps 6 years later of the 9/11 attacks. It's still so very sad. Oprah even had a "what happened to the children" show on yesterday. I even answered a "where were you?" question on one of my favourite internet MB. Some of my friends wrote alot about it in their blogs and included lots of photos. Maybe next year I can do that but this year it's just much too sad.

Lots has happened in the last few weeks since I posted.

I went to Washington and Idaho
I went to Idaho and saw poor H. She's being so very brave and she is so lucky she still has a foot. So many surgeries 11 and counting. Em is getting so very very big she's already starting Pre-Schoo, she and I had a whole day together we went to the dentist, shopping for Uncle Blane's BDay clothes, to a chocolate factory and got dipped caramel apples and to lunch then home for naps it was alot of fun. We even hit Wally World and got her a new puzzle and a fun game along with stuff for dinner. I must have been channeling LB because I made what he calls "good chicken" LOL
In Washington I drove about the old home tired and sad and very neglected looking. In Moses Lake I saw alot of Middle Little Brother Boo, Big Little Sis Jack before she and her Bruce went to Vegas, their girls, 5 new kitty cats, cousin TK and her new shop, all the Aunties and waaaay lots of the 'rents. I finally unpacked my suitcase and did all the laundry on Sunday and Monday so I don't keep smelling like old people and scorched fruit ( they were canning alot of peaches) Middle Little Brother and I went bought them a new stove just before I left replacing the one with only 2 burners and a tempermental oven that was 25+ years old but when I talked with mom last night they still hadn't used it because it was "too Pretty"
I had a great visit there all in all and an awful trip home with very overcast skiies and alot thunder and lightening to boot. NOT Good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I for one am glad that you are back home! Can't wait to spend some time with you on Friday!
9/11 is exceptionally sad for me because my very dear friend died on that day three years ago. I get reminded of where I was when the towers were hit and when Lance died.