Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Friday, October 20, 2006


So I got another great deal on Craig's List today. This time is was 10 softy black cushiony stackable chairs for the S-crap room. I even got a couple of bar stools for the one end of the room. I decided after I moved the table and the leg fell off ....again. I'm just going to put the table top up on a few cabinets and work at it at counter height. It will also be alot better for doing the flowers since I can't seem to do a bridal bouquet if I'm not standing..... so yeah for me it's another business expense. Thanks alot Eric in Silver Summitt!! so Nice to meet you and Harley the dog.

Goody for me I had the most marvelous drive up the canyon. It was so beautiful it took my breath away. I just missed most of the leaves turning but it was still gorgeous! Unfortunately No camera!! What kind of a Scrapbooker are I? so I got these shots from weather how cool are they?

Off to unload my haul. Then get ready for tommorrow's crop.

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