Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Miscellaneous Oowie's

So this is my week from hell. yesterday I got squished....again and since it's the second time this year the insurance wouldn't pay for it without a fight. does the term " High Risk" not make any sense to them or what?
Today we got the opportunity to try a couple of new chairs for the Frog. the DME rep that came seemed very knowledgeable until I pulled the van out and made him put his "test" models in. Of course none fit the ramp and 2 were too tall for the Frog to fit on the chair inside. How much more clear does it have to be? I could care less about all of a wheelchairs many features vrs the other if it doesn't suit the needs of the patient it does no good. AREN"T YOU LISTENING!!!! I'm not spending the $$$$.$$ on another chair to not have it fit inside the van with the Frog in it.Woo Hoo it comes it pretty colours!
After that fiasco, well maybe not, he measured both his chairs, the van and him countless times but said it could take another 2 months B4 it goes thru.
Anyway it was time to go to my guts and bolts Dr. and hear the whole Terrorist test results The medicine for the Chron's is not working.........DUH!!! ya think? some fissures are new, some show a bit of healing and some show no improvment at all. So off I went where they drew blood...lots of it.. close to an entire pint. After those tests the next step is another biopsy endoscopy. Yuck!
Tommorrow promises to be no better since I have yet another Dr appoinment. thursday was looking good til the hospital called to remind us of the Frog's solumedrol IV all day. Friday who knows. It really wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a co-pay and at least 1 new prescription involved for every visit. Of course now I'm bruised terribly from all my bloodletting. Ever had elbow ache? wonder if that's a new diesase?

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