Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Saturday, December 01, 2007

White World

I woke up to a very white world and the sound of snowplows going by. It's really coming down right now and of course because some idot has gone too fast, not only have I heard the snow plows but also the sirens.
There is something really magical about snow.
Clean, fresh and white. I love the lawn and yard to be pristine with no footsteps but that will change as soon as the rest of the neighbourhood is awake. Sooner than later some little kid will see my beautiful yard of unsullied whiteness and tramp all round. It's okay though.
I remember sliding down the hill on old (and sometimes not so old) cookie sheets. We'd make a big old pile of snow at the end of the drive so we'd stop rather than slide on thru to the road. If we were really good you'd learn to make the turn and go along the front of the yard. Once or twice the cookie sheet kept going and ended up in the canal. Looking back we are so lucky we all didn't just break our fool necks!!

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