Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Seventy Five Cents

That's the balance currently in my checking account after a $100 transfer from savings.
So no going to pick up meds going anywhere that uses gas....seeing as how the savings only has the required $25 balance now.
Did I mention the extra $206.00 the mortgage company wants for the shortfall on the escrow account? Damn property taxes went up again. The good news is if I just pay that ahead before the 7th my actual house payment will go down about $15.00 for the rest of this year.
Good thing I've been doing a bit of stockpiling lately. We won't starve but I also don't feel much like eating from my newly re-stocked storage room. I did finally get over to Blue Chip Group and get a few GF items for right now. I'm impressed with their outlet store so if the mixes are any good at all I'll go back. They had elbow macaroni and linguine that I haven't seen before. So I got some, now if I'd only gotten some Kraft Yellow Death when it was on sale I could have mac and cheese by keeping the cheese sauce and tossing out the noodles, which is exactly the opposite of how I made it for the Frog. LOL
Did I mention pay day is Monday?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You made it to pay day!!!! YAY! What a happy day.