Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Friday, April 20, 2007

Virginia Tech

The Shooting at Virginia Tech is all over the news this week. Sometimes I am so very glad not to be a parent. I can't comprehend the worry and concern you need to go thru in order to sleep at night if your child was away.
There is ao much violence in everything. I'm in awe that the guns were not only easy to get but unlike some of the other incidents, it has come out these were purchased legally. What is legal about a gun that is clearly meant to Kill A PERSON?? I grew up with hunting rifles. Everyone had a rifle or shotgun but never these automatic 12 shot pistols and such. Scarey. I'm sure I'm officially an old f**t since I'm walking about wondering what the world is coming to.
I guess that's why I'm Pro-Knife.

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