Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Family Portraits

Family Portraits.... you gotta love them right? After all they capture the moment so well. Those of us that come in large economy size desparately trying to hide behind the more "normal sized", cousins pulling faces at each other, closed eyes, open mouths...... there is no perfect shot.

Try 1 mom, her eight children with assorted spouses, umpteen grandchildren one great grandchild and two on the way! It was hysterical to say the least. I of course spent way too much! I had the photographer take some photos of The Frog and I. first time in 10 years. When you don't have kids there doesn't seem to be a real reason for more formal sittings of how life changes cuz it's not as noticeable. They look pretty good. Then since I splurged last year and had my photo done I got some of the Frog alone.

May I just say this guy did a fabulous job of capturing my guy?

Of course he always smiles with every tooth showing, which of course is what you do when you are a Frog. But in the Photos it shows his marvelous Potential to be a Handsome Prince. For one of the few times in 18 years I'll have a photo of him that doesn't make it really obvious that he's in a Wheelchair. He captured some super fun stuff too So I got one of the Frog with all his sibs and his mom acting goofy.

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