If you could start your life over what would you do differently?
This was a question on a MB that I belong to. I had to think a bit about my answer.
Here it is for you.
I would have tried harder to get as much education as possible. Like some of you others I should have watched my weight more.
Other than that I don't think there is much else that I would change. I would have liked to have had the means to have given IVF more than 6 trys or pursued adoption a little more aggresively, but we did everything we felt comfortable with short of kidnapping at the time so really no regrets there.
I would have liked more time with the Frog but I really feel like he stayed around as long as he did because he was so very worried about me. Once I told him it was okay and that I'd be fine he was literally gone in a few weeks.
I think I'd also like to have acted on a few more RAK impulses I've had over the years....being nicer to people and said yes more often.
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