Two words that I just can't get past lately.
I used to be such a just "go with the flow" kinda gal. After all what's going to happen will just happen, Right? Not anymore. No! now that there's only ME to worry about and no one to share every stupid little thought that comes into my little pea brain I have become a worrier. I literally lose sleep over the dumbest things.
It used to bug the heck out of the Frog that I DIDN'T worry about the worst case scenario what if's. what he didn't seem to know was that real life rarely ends up as bad as you try to imagine. I think we all have a certain point where you Let Go and Let God. I just usually arrive there sooner than most. But lately I'm the one predicting doom and gloom.
So I've decided to be Happy!!
After all Pink is not just a colour it's an ATTITUDE!!
I spent yesterday at the Federal Building for my SSDI hearing. I met Emily in real life and we had a nice chat before my name was called. The Judge was really nice and had her ask me most of the questions and then he asked a few himself. They weren't too bad just really embarrassing. I was in a bit of pain ...all that worrying....and I just kept getting more uncomfortable. When it got time for the vocational expert to testify I got sick and had to leave the room. While I was gone they finished and Emily came out to get me and said the Judge had told her he would approve me for benefits and that he wasn't sure why it had been kicked up to the adjudication level. So now it's official and I'm retired. And wouldn't you know today I'm feeling pretty good.
Congratulations Vicky!!!
Oh girl, I am glad things worked out ok and that you are able to take care of yourself.
Love ya girl, glad you had a good (feeling) day!
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