Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Friday, October 19, 2007

The End is Coming

The world as we know it must be coming to an end!!!
Not to truly alarm or terrify anyone out there is cyber space but yesterday
Yes friends that was Me with the mixer out...BTW who knew I even still had a mixer?
But there I was rooting round inside the cabinets and finally found Old Goldie, a little bit battered but still very useful even after all these years. She (one of the last of my orignal wedding gifts) helped me in my quest to make something just the least little bit NORMAL. Or as close as I can get to normal being as weird as I am.
So I made Chocolate Chocolate Chip Brownies with flours from grains all over the world. Best of all they were GOOD!!!!
Even my friends liked them. Yes I shamelessly used them as unknowing guinea pigs. After all if it was going to kill me I certainly didn't want to die alone. I've never even thought of putting EVOO into my baking. But they tried them and none of them ran screaming for the hills. I don't think Dennis and Trisha really got what a big deal it was to me to have something taste so good, but Melissa did and was totally tickled with my effforts.
So if you notice me getting fatter it's not just the steroids I'm on. It may be that I'm lingering in the sinful goodness of fudgey warm Brownies and a big glass of milk.

1 comment:

janalee said...

That is awesome!!! :) I'm so glad you found a yummy recipe that you can eat.