Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Little Pig Chinny Chin Chin or Hag Hairs

So lately I’ve been finding more and more freaky hairs growing wild practically overnight.  Found one today on my neck that had to have been growing awhile…. that sucker was almost 5 inches long!

I don’t know how I missed it.

Mainly they are on my chin but every once in awhile the suckers show up on my neck, chest or arms. They are probably on my back too but if they are Lucy is too polite to say anything about it.

It’s becoming a real problem especially since I started taking Thyroid meds last spring. No longer is it a once a week thing-now it’s more like daily maintenance to avoid getting the dreaded Fur Face. I’m sure within a week of slacking off I could join the circus as the Bearded Lady.

Waxing hurts like crazy because there are so many. Facial Nair burns my skin and leaves it red. Plucking is terribly painful too. So I’ve been shaving them. Now I’m getting 5 o’clock shadow!!

I’ve always had a problem with the two moles on my face but this is getting really bad. I called to find out how much laser would cost….Ouch!!! I could buy 6 electric razors for one laser treatment.

Now I’m starting to notice longer arm hairs and I can’t help but wonder if I will need to start tracking when the next Full Moon is.  Maybe I belong on Team Jacob??

2797498195_5f97b4f3fc_zInquiring minds want to know.


Christy said...

You are so funny! I get hairs on my chiny chin chin too, but I can't even blame it on Thyroid. The slap in the face is that now some of them are gray hairs...sigh!

janalee said...

I have chin hairs. I also get really long white hairs that grow randomly- one in the middle of my back, one under my arm by my bra strap, etc. I think I'm going to vote for the "team Jacob" disease, myself. That sounds like much more fun ;)

Jeanette said...

Ah Vickie, I do love you so very much.

Thanks for this post today, I really REALLY needed something to make me smile.

I love you girlie, hag hairs and all and Team Jacob is the ONLY team to be on!