Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Text Messages

I've decided that I really don't like text messages.
It's not because my fingernails are too long to type fast.
It's not because it costs a bit more.
It's not because you are sitting/standing there texting to some one else and not paying attention to the road, class, where you are walking, me teaching a lesson.
It's because I already can't spell worth a damn after learning to do the Discvr Crd shrthnd in acct scrn whr I t/w cm & adjst lf 4 10/07 & ovrlmt 4 11/07 Advsd cm webst 24/7
Most stuff it's pretty easy to decipher but other text messages I'm completely in the dark about and I'd better catch up or I won't be at all prepared when we develope and evolve even more and just communicate telepathically.
In my case even then I'll most likely keep talking awhile longer because I'm afraid I'd be doing it tele-pathetically

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