Love, Laughs, Tickles, Teases. Frogs & Jelly Beans

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

My New Friend

This is Miss Crickett CuddleBug! She's the new baby in my life. She's just 2 months old and I've had her for a week. She is 3/4 Maltese and 1/4 ShihTze. I got her from a breeder here in Magna with a little help from my neighbours the Grays and classifieds

She's very very smart! She totally gets what the potty pads are for and except for a few accidents close by it has been pretty easy to get her to go on it. She loves to give kisses and snuggle. I built a set of steps out of boxes so she could climb to the couch and she only had to be shown what to do twice before she was up and down them like a pro.

She sort of gets the crate training but doesn't like it inside as much as she likes sleeping on top of it! She figured that out all on her own. She misses her siblings like mad and sleeps burrowed under pillows and her blankey. Crickett knows her name.

Sunday she met RomBerg and scared him just like Miss Lucy did. Seeing Blane's big huge dog cowering from 34oz of fluffy puppy is a total riot! She jumped up and tried to bite his tail and he whined and whined. He shouldn't have dangled it in front of her. Then she barked and charged at him on and he jumped back a couple of steps. LOL